
Dafabet is Asia’s leading sports betting and gaming site. The site offers much more than just sports betting—it boasts many other online gaming products such as online poker, online casino (and live casino games), flash games and online betting games of all sorts. Dafabet was founded in 2004 under the private flagship brand and subsidiary AsianBGE.

Dafabet has also been involved in several sponsorships. The bookmaker has become a main club sponsor of Sunderland AFC, Celtic FC, Burnley FC, and Blackburn Rovers FC, offering a 50% bonus deposit and up to 80 euros as a sign-up bonus. Dafabet is also an international gaming and betting partner of Everton FC.

Dafabet offers a sign-up bonus of up to 80 euros and a 50% deposit bonus, international toll-free number, email, 24/7 live help and social media.
Also it offers quick and easy payment methods and accepts players from all over the world, except Antigua and Barbuda, Belgium, Bulgaria, Curaçao, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Macau, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United States, United Kingdom.

The platform can be adjusted on different languages : Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Russian and the used currencies are Chinese yuan, Euros, Indian rupees, Indonesian rupiahs, Malaysian ringgits, Polish zlotys, British pounds sterling, Russian rubles, Singapore dollars, Thai baht, US dollars, Vietnamese dong, South Korean won.